Sunday, September 7, 2014

Social Media

I have a love/hate relationship with social media websites. I enjoy being able to keep in touch with friends and family but I don't like how we tend to let it consume our time.  I have a Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest account. I enjoy them all for different reasons. With each account, I make sure that the settings are private so that only people I know can view my pictures, posts, and information. Even though my accounts are private, there is always room for improvement. I could delete old pictures of myself holding the ever so popular peace sign or pictures of me sticking my tongue out (apparently that used to be cool). I could advertise myself more as a professional by updating my information including where I work and what I'm interested in. Other than that, all that I have on my accounts are pictures of my nieces, softball pictures, and pictures of food.

Material that could raise red flags for future employers are inappropriate pictures, inappropriate language, and bad spelling/grammar. Employers don't want to see revealing pictures or cursing on our accounts because they want to see us portray ourselves as professionals and if we can't do that online then we probably won't be able to do it in a corporate setting. Social media websites can be a great way to stay in touch with people you love and to connect with other business professionals, but if we aren't careful, one picture, post, or comment could destroy our reputation as young professionals.

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