Thursday, September 18, 2014

Authenticity and Business

I think it is very possible for a business person to speak of their company in a positive way and to represent them properly while still remaining authentic. When I am at work and I have to email business people outside of my organization, I need to maintain my professional manner or I will not be taken seriously. With that being said, I think it is also important to be friendly and have a little personality so that the people you're communicating with know you're just another human being. If you can relate to the person you're communicating with and feel comfortable talking with him or her, then it will most likely be easier to maintain contact and work together. Sometimes in the business world we forget that we don't have to always have a poker face or act cold to others. As long as we can portray a friendly personality without sacrificing the reputation of the business, then we should continue to do so. When I email customers or fellow workers, I make sure that I use exclamation points where necessary. Exclamation points, in my opinion offer a little bit of a break from the corporate tone we're all so used to communicating in. They let us know that the person we're talking to has a little bit of a personality and isn't afraid to show it.I also try to appear understanding and open for conversation by relating to whoever I am communicating with.

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