Saturday, September 13, 2014

Personal Blogging

I think blogging is a great way to write down your thoughts, opinions, and ideas. I think it's a great place to be creative and express all that you need to express. I agree that in some cases following the rules of grammar and spelling can hinder your creative abilities. I think it is okay to write words that you want to emphasize, wrong or in a silly way (e.g. GR8, girlz, boyz, etc.). As long as the reader knows you are trying to be sarcastic or funny then I think bad grammar or spelling adds to your personality as a blogger. If you are able to show your intelligence through your writing, then being funny about the way you spell things or use certain words shouldn't affect your credibility.

Sometimes when we write, we do so in a boring and monotone manner. For me, I appreciate when writer's aren't as serious and know how to make a joke. It's difficult to evoke that through writing alone, so spelling can sometimes help us understand a writer's purpose or personality. It gives the reader a break from the difficult to understand writing and allows the blogger to have fun with what he or she is writing. Instead of worrying about perfect grammar/spelling and mechanics, a writer should be able to intelligently portray certain ideas while adding a little humor in there.

Although I think certain PURPOSEFUL mistakes are humorous, I would not enjoy reading a post someone wrote where they couldn't figure out which there/their/they're to use. I also would be dubious of a writer's intelligence if they spelled "definitely" like "defiantly". All things considered, I appreciate writers poking a little fun at the strict world of grammar and spelling, but I want those things to be done in a purposeful manner and not on accident.

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