Sunday, November 23, 2014

Solicited Proposals

If a company receives a solicited proposal from another company, then that means that they asked for the proposal. Unsolicited proposals are those that are not requested. Is it ethical for a company to use recommendations from the proposal without hiring the submitting company? I believe it is unethical. In essence, it is stealing another company’s ideas and taking credit for it. Although I believe this to be very unethical, it is also a very common thing in the business world today. A way to avoid this would be to create a contract that is agreed to before submitting the proposal. The contract should state that the submitting company’s proposal recommendations are to not be used by the receiving company without some type of compensation whether it be hiring or just a payout. This contract would prevent the receiving company from stealing ideas without compensating the submitting company.

In the eyes of the receiving company, stealing recommendations from a company submitting a proposal that you asked for, will give you a bad reputation. If other companies are aware of your unethical tendencies, then they will most likely avoid doing business with you in order to stay away from unethical business practices.

In my opinion, if a company submits a proposal with recommendations that you agree with, then the ethical thing to do would be to hire that company to carry out those specific recommendations. They will be the one with the most knowledge of the proposal, so they are the best company to hire. If they are offering it at a price that is too high, then you should just negotiate to an agreeable price.

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