Saturday, November 29, 2014


Having a boss who isn’t open to ideas from his or her employees make giving feedback almost impossible. However, in order to be fully content with your job, you need to feel free to give your feedback without fear of repercussion. I would start a conversation with my boss over my concerns on this issue by first describing the atmosphere of the workplace. I would explain that if he or she could be a little more open to ideas and criticism then fellow employees would feel more comfortable and maybe even work harder. People are more likely to produce better work if they’re not worried about an uncomfortable environment. Next, I would explain to my boss why employees offer criticism. I would tell my boss that the criticism isn’t directed at him or her, but that it shows that employees are interested and want to help improve the company. It’s not a personal thing, but a company thing, and as employees, feedback and criticism shows interest. From there, I would explain to him or her how agreeing with everything he or she says just because we fear the consequences of expressing other ideas, will only hinder the company. My boss would need to understand that as employees, we are only trying to give input that we believe will benefit the company and that with the ideas of all the employees and bosses, the company has the potential to truly thrive. Agreeing with everything someone says will never let a company to improve.

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