Sunday, December 7, 2014


The lesson/assignment that I found the most helpful was the Resume assignment. It showed me how to properly format and structure my resume depending on my personal work experience and skills. It was nice being shown what type of information to include and how to go about including enough information if the experience was lacking. The cover letter was helpful too in that I have never written one before when submitting a resume to an employer. I can now see its usefulness and how it could benefit me in the future when applying for potential jobs and careers. It shows an employer that you are informed on the basics of the company and that you are genuinely interested and motivated to earn an interview there. The cover letter was helpful for me because it just gave me another way to make myself standout in an interview process.

I also liked the letter of recommendation assignment. It showed me how to give recommendations to another business person without being too pushy and without being too passive. It showed that you need to get to the point quickly and make sure your points are relevant and truthful.

My favorite blog topic was the one with the question “If you were writing a recommendation report for an audience that doesn’t know you, would you use the direct approach, focusing on the recommendation, or the indirect approach, focusing on logic”. I liked this topic because it caused me to read more into this speaking subject. It is very useful to know the difference between the direct approach and the indirect approach when speaking to an audience. Typically I would imagine myself using just the direct approach; however it made more sense to me when the book described the difference between direct and indirect as a focus on the recommendation versus a focus on logic, respectively. If I don’t know the audience, which typically I haven’t when speaking publically, it would benefit me greatly to focus more on logic rather than the recommendation itself.

Overall, I enjoyed learning more about how to properly communicate in the business world. I learned that there is a happy medium between  including too much information and not including enough information.